Planning for funerals requires a lump sum of cash to especially offset bills. CIC will provide financial relief in the time of loss which helps families deal with grief rather than worry about funeral expenses. When it comes to celebrating the lives of our dear ones and providing a descent and well-deserved send off, our “Alfa & Omega Last Expense Plan” has that covered.
Life is full of uncertainties. We will be there for you in the ups, downs & everything in between.
Why Alfa and Omega Policy
Who can apply for this policy?
Anyone in good health ages between 18-70 (inclusive)
Who is covered under Alfa & Omega Family Life Plan?
Based on the option, below apply:
- Anyone in good health ages between 18-70 (inclusive) for individual option.
- Main member along with his/her spouse ages 18-70 (inclusive) and their children aged between one month to 18 years (inclusive).
- Main member, his/her spouse, children and the parents and parents-in-law ages of 18-70 (inclusive).
Is there a waiting period?
Yes, there is 6 months waiting period in case of natural death from the date of the first premium payment. Accidental deaths are covered immediately.

Why Group Life Assurance
It is offered to employers for the benefit of family/dependents of an employee who dies in the line of duty, is permanently and totally disabled, temporarily disabled, and/or has a critical illness.

Why Group Mortgage
This policy is designed for organizations that offer mortgage finance to third parties, such as banks, building societies, micro-finance institutions, cooperative savings and credit societies, hire-purchase dealers. The policy guarantees to settle 100% of the outstanding loan in respect of a deceased member of the scheme or when a member becomes totally and permanently disabled by accident.

Why Group Credit Assurance
This policy is usually suitable for employees of banks, building societies, micro-finance institutions, cooperative savings and credit societies, hire- purchase dealers, and employers who offer credit facilities to their employees. The policy guarantees to settle 100% of the outstanding loan in respect of a deceased member of the scheme or when a member becomes totally and permanently disabled by accident to engage in any occupation for a wage or profit.